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To: Dr. Vincent Boudreau

President of The City College of New York

From: Jashandeep Singh

Subject: Flaws in campus security regarding access to  buildings

Date: February 27, 2019

The purpose of this memo is to show the flaws in campus security regarding access to CCNY buildings and how to fix them.

Summary Of Flaws In Campus Security

The entrance process for CCNY needs major updating. The current process does not protect against possible threats from entering the campus buildings. All that is required to access a building is a quick show of ID, from a ways away. It is impossible for any security guard to see the picture on the ID card so anyone can get in with nearly any ID. A magnetic card swiping system can solve this problem easily.

Discussion The Dangers Of A Lax Security System

There is a lot of possible danger from our current entrance process. Anyone with any ID can enter our buildings with ease. For instance, I have entered NAC by showing my York College ID instead of my City College ID many times. Additionally, when many students are entering a building I have seen many students walk straight in without ever showing ID. We always see and hear of terrible events occuring on the news but never think it could happen to us. But the danger is very real with domestic terrorism rates on the rise. Installing new gates at every entrance of the colleges buildings, creating new ID cards that work on said gates will help combat these very real possibilities. Many companies and schools already have this system implemented.

Recommendations For Increasing Campus Security

A magnetic card swiping system can easily get rid of this problem. For instance, John Jay has such a system, where they have swiping gates that only open with their ID’s. City College could implement a similar system at all of our entrances. The gate would only open when a valid ID is swiped, making it impossible for anyone whos not a valid member of CCNY to enter our building. Additionally, if someone attempts to jump the gate or forgets to bring in their ID, campus security can resolve the situation. In addition, security guards will not need any new training due to the gates actually making them have less responsibilities regarding people entering our buildings.